"Urban Redevelopment Rome" L'Arca, n°238 (2008)
The temporary Association of businesses between G. & G. Di Stefano spa and Federici Costruzioni, in conjunction with Rome City Council – Department VI – Complex Programmes, has launched invitational competition as part of the Magliana Urban Redevelopment Programme in Rome to “Design a building complex for commercial, tourist-accommodation and private services purposes between Via Newton and Via Rattini, involving the demolition of abandoned industrial constructions”. Nine professionals have been asked to take part: the architects Lorenzo Bellini, Stefano Cordeschi, Nicola Di Battista, Enzo Eusebi, Giulio Fioravanti, Christofer Lansbury, Paola Rossi, Carlo Sadich, Tommaso Valle. Enzo Eusebi’s proposal, presented here, features a vague and rather unpredictable character with smoothly interacting internal and external spaces. It is a word of architecture composed of additions working from the inside outwards. Flexible and elastic transition spaces draw in the natural environment.